Slip potential model

The Slip potential model shows the many areas of consideration when addressing slip risk.

  • Contamination
  • Cleaning
  • People
  • Flooring
  • Environment
  • Footwear

Different Floor = Different Risk

Floors have very different slip risks depending upon the flooring itself, how the floor is used and also depending on the types of contamination that come in contact with the floor. These factors act in combination, so a tiled floor may provide adequate grip on a shop floor, but the same tiles may not be suitable as a shower room floor. One of two shower rooms with the same flooring may remain safe for many years while the other could become a slip risk in a matter of weeks if body fat is not cleaned from the surface thoroughly.

Different Flooring Materials

Many different materials are used for flooring, and most can provide adequate levels of slip resistance, but all types of flooring are different.

  • Wood, vinyl, ceramic tiles, resin flooring, concrete, marble…

With all of types of flooring, the slip resistance may vary depending on how the floor surface is finished and depending how the floor is cleaned.

Different Function

  • Swimming pool, kitchen, warehouse, entrance lobby…

The use of the floor defines the required level of slip resistance.

Other Crucial Differences

  • Indoors/outdoors, level of traffic
  • The level and type of contamination on floor will influence testing frequency.

Appropriate floor surfaces are easy to clean and have a low slip risk during normal use.

All types of flooring material can change. A resin floor which relies on surface aggregate may lose grip as the floor wears, tiled floors can lose 20% of their slip resistance within a few weeks of normal use, and the slip resistance of wooden floor will depend on the finishing and coating or the surface. Even concrete surfaces can be affected by diamond polishing. To learn more about how slip risk can change book a free demonstration.

Cleaning can cause - OR - prevent slip risk

Cleaning can cause or prevent slip risks. Unless you monitor the effectiveness of your cleaning then you could be playing Russian Roulette and waiting till someone slips, falls or is seriously injured. For more information about cleaning and slip risk.

Be Proactive

The only way to be proactive is to monitor slip risk regularly. Regular testing with SlipAlert can be done by anyone on any floor. Proactive testing will tell you about the performance of your floor and about the effectiveness of cleaning and maintenance.
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    Did you know?

    So far this year slips have cost society at least:



    of all accidents to the public are slips and trips.